Monday, October 03, 2005

We Are Not Mean People

UPDATE: Okay, look. We are not being mean to the dog. People keep asking me, "why do you have a muzzle on the dog?" or "You know, you put that leash on wrong" and "You are evil people for torturing that dog." The thing on Cisco's face is a Gentle Leader and it is quite comfortable for him. It really keeps him from pulling on his leash, because without it he would sooner choke himself than stop pulling. It's good for him... honest.

Wet Cisco. Posted by Picasa


Katzwinkel said...

Why is he (she?) muzzled?

Katzwinkel said...

Why did you cook that dog and eat him with steamed vegetables? That wasn't nice at all.

Rich Rosenthal II said...

Soylent green is made of people!

Shy said...

Those work really well. the dog follows the direction his nose is pointing (theoretically) and he won't pull his leash and gag himself every three seconds.

He/she can breath easily, you aren't constantly having your arm yanked out of its socket. the walk is much more pleasant for everyone involved. Stupid people. Threaten to do it to their children....